Essex Sight Loss Council: Meet the Members

Meet the Staff

Headshoto f Samantha Leftwich, Engagement Manager for Bedfordshire SLC. She is sitting outside, looking at he camera, smiling. She has long dark hair and is wearing a black top.

Samantha Leftwich

Sam studied a BA Hons in Special Education at university, before working in primary schools. In this role she supported children with special educational and learning needs.

She has volunteered in numerous roles within the sight loss sector, working with BASIS, Guide Dogs UK, and participating in several focus groups on behalf on RNIB.

Sam loves music, art, theatre, and is fascinated by the power and influence of music on emotional and physical needs.Sam was a member of Essex SLC, before starting her new venture as Engagement Manager for East England.

She is looking forward to building new working relationships with service providers and cannot wait to meet and welcome new volunteers to the Sight Loss Councils.

Whilst she can’t promise not to make members sing, she does promise to empower and support them, advocating for positive change in the area.

Meet the Members

Essex SLC member, Alex Ramzan, standing outside with his guide dog.

Alexander Ramzan

Coming soon!

Samantha Fox, Essex SLC member, on the beach with her dog.

Sam Fox

Coming soon!

Headshot of Essex SLC member, Lee Mercer.

Lee Mercer

Lee is a volunteer from the south of Essex, hailing from near Southend-on-Sea. He works for a specialist disability job board and training company called Evenbreak. Lee has lived with type 1 diabetes for several years and lost his sight in 2018 due to Diabetic Retinopathy.

Lee enjoys a good story and likes nothing more than sitting down with an audio book or an audio described movie. He also loves going on long walks with his sighted guide, exploring the country parks, woodlands, and other outdoor areas of Essex.

Lee also volunteers at his local scout group, for the RNIB social media team, and with the sensory training team at Essex Cares Ltd where he shares talks about his lived experience.

Lee says:

“I always try to do as much as I can to increase the understanding of sight loss, and disability generally. I want to make people more accepting and confident when interacting with disabled friends, family, and colleagues. Joining Essex Sight Loss Council gives me the opportunity to speak to more people and improve the relationship between local companies and their visually impaired customers.”

Head shot of Sally. Sally has long, dark, hair and is wearing a floral shirt. She is smiling at the camera.

Sally Treherne

Sally has Usher Syndrome type 2 and is also deaf. Six years ago, she began wearing cochlear implants which she says, “changed her life.”

Sally joined Essex Sight Loss Council for many reasons. One being to use her personal knowledge to campaign for change.

Sally wants to share her experiences of living with sight loss with other people going through the same. She wants to talk about the struggles visually impaired people face every day and educate non-disabled people to have a better understanding of sight loss.

Neil Gulliver

Coming soon!

Annette Bodsworth

Coming soon!

Daniel Barton

Coming soon!

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